Date: * Select the date of the record. Personal details First name: Please provide your first name Last name: Please provide your surname Email: * Please provide your email address. This will only be used to contact you if we require further information to verify the record. Recorder Name: * Who saw the species? (Full name) Species: * Enter the species name and pick it from the list Sex/Stage: present adult dead egg female immature or juvenile larva male nymph ovipositing pupa veteran or very large tree * If unsure, use Present as default Record Type: field record ant hill bat roost (sensitive record) calling drumming dung or droppings feather heard holt (sensitive record) latrine mole hill nest netted raptor or owl nest (sensitive record) road casualty singing spraint spraint tracks trapped * If unsure, use Field Record as default Abundance: present 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-100 100+ * How many individuals were there? Select 'Present' if you don't know, or not applicable Identified By: Leave this blank unless an expert helped with the identification Photos: Sensitivity Is the record sensitive? Blur record to:none Blur to 100m Blur to 1km Blur to 2km Blur to 10km Blur to 100km This is the precision that the record will be shown at for public viewing Location: * Type the name of the place where the record was seen. Do not include house names. If in doubt, use the nearest road name, eg: 'Field off Church Road, Yatton' Grid Reference: * To enter your grid reference:Click on the record location on the mapOr enter a grid reference belowFor more information on Wildlife Recording, visit the BRERC website at Search for a place on the map: E.g.: A nearby town or village name