Bathscape Explorer

Bathscape Map Image


Welcome to the Bathscape explore page, where you can see a summary of the existing data for the region on the map and reports below.

If you'd like to look at specific records on the map, click on the question mark icon in the map's top right corner, and then click on any blue square of interest. The data will display in the Records and Species reports. Simply click the square again to deselect it.

Recently Submitted Photos

There was an SQL error: ERROR: column "user_id" does not exist LINE 18: AND (o.created_by_id<>#user_id#) ^ - SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT * FROM cache_occurrences_functional o JOIN cache_occurrences_nonfunctional onf on JOIN cache_samples_nonfunctional snf on JOIN cache_taxa_taxon_lists cttl on JOIN occurrence_media om on and om.deleted=false JOIN cache_termlists_terms mtype on JOIN system sys ON JOIN locations lfilt ON in (191090) AND lfilt.deleted=false AND st_intersects(coalesce(lfilt.boundary_geom, lfilt.centroid_geom), o.public_geom) AND (st_geometrytype(o.public_geom)='ST_Point' OR NOT st_touches(coalesce(lfilt.boundary_geom, lfilt.centroid_geom), o.public_geom)) WHERE AND (o.website_id in (56) OR o.created_by_id=1 OR o.blocked_sharing_tasks IS NULL OR NOT o.blocked_sharing_tasks @> ARRAY['R'::character ]) AND o.website_id in (56) AND o.media_count>0 AND (o.release_status='R') AND (o.confidential='f') AND (o.created_by_id<>#user_id#) AND o.hide_sample_as_private<>true LIMIT 20) AS subquery

Bathscape Totals:

There was an SQL error: ERROR: column "user_id" does not exist LINE 13: AND (o.created_by_id<>#user_id#) ^ - SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN o.zero_abundance IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE o.taxa_taxon_list_external_key END) as "species_count", COUNT(DISTINCT as "occurrences_count", SUM(o.media_count) as "photos_count" FROM cache_occurrences_functional o JOIN system sys ON JOIN locations lfilt ON in (191090) AND lfilt.deleted=false AND st_intersects(coalesce(lfilt.boundary_geom, lfilt.centroid_geom), o.public_geom) AND (st_geometrytype(o.public_geom)='ST_Point' OR NOT st_touches(coalesce(lfilt.boundary_geom, lfilt.centroid_geom), o.public_geom)) WHERE AND (o.website_id in (56) OR o.created_by_id=1 OR o.blocked_sharing_tasks IS NULL OR NOT o.blocked_sharing_tasks @> ARRAY['R'::character ]) AND o.website_id in (56) AND (o.release_status='R') AND (o.confidential='f') AND (o.created_by_id<>#user_id#) AND o.hide_sample_as_private<>true

Recorded Species

Trending species

There was an SQL error: ERROR: column "user_id" does not exist LINE 15: AND (o.created_by_id<>#user_id#) ^ - select COALESCE(default_common_name, preferred_taxon) as species, records, greatest(11, cast((15 - (sqrt(1000) / sqrt(records)))*2.5 as integer)) as font_size from ( select default_common_name, preferred_taxon, count(id) as records from ( select, cttl.default_common_name, cttl.preferred_taxon from cache_occurrences_functional o JOIN cache_taxa_taxon_lists cttl ON JOIN system sys ON JOIN locations lfilt ON in (191090) AND lfilt.deleted=false AND st_intersects(coalesce(lfilt.boundary_geom, lfilt.centroid_geom), o.public_geom) AND (st_geometrytype(o.public_geom)='ST_Point' OR NOT st_touches(coalesce(lfilt.boundary_geom, lfilt.centroid_geom), o.public_geom)) WHERE AND (o.website_id in (56) OR o.created_by_id=1 OR o.blocked_sharing_tasks IS NULL OR NOT o.blocked_sharing_tasks @> ARRAY['R'::character ]) AND o.website_id in (56) AND (o.release_status='R') AND (o.confidential='f') AND (o.created_by_id<>#user_id#) AND o.hide_sample_as_private<>true ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1000) list GROUP BY default_common_name, preferred_taxon ORDER BY count(id) DESC LIMIT 15 ) as list ORDER BY COALESCE(default_common_name, preferred_taxon) ASC LIMIT 15
